Thank you

Greenway Kindergarten accepts 2 years old funding.


Mrs Crossman, Mrs Ruse and Mrs Johnson, I just wanted to personally thank each of you for your hard work, kindness and care you’ve put into teaching Lorenzo this year. There hasn’t been a single day that he’s not wanted to come into nursery. Every single day he runs out excitedly telling me all about his day, the fabulous things he’s gotten up to and the lovely conversations he has with each of you. He had made a very special bond with you all. Seeing him flourish this year has made us so proud, he has grown so much especially in confidence and I have no doubt that’s thanks to you all and your hard work. He has grown into such a well mannered, caring and inquisitive little boy who has developed a real love for learning, all thanks to his experiences at Greenways.

Rosie x